Friday, February 3, 2012

The readings so far, some concerns.

After doing the readings for this class, the books make no mention of what to do if you plan on taking advantage of the tech-tools but are working in a district that many students have little or no computer access (let alone Internet access).  A class wiki or blog (social bookmarking and RSS included) cannot help fully if the students cannot follow at home.  Posting assignments online or having the students submit or edit or compose online (especially collaboratively) can only be efficient and effective if the students have access.  I do not feel these books give teachers much advice on what to do for students who lack the resources (whether it be alternative assignment requirements or extended time or what...).  Just a thought, but maybe one that needs addressed.

1 comment:

  1. I definitely can agree with your point of view. I work at George Junior Republic and many of the kids here are from either inner cities or poor rural communities. While at the facility, they do have access to computers and the teachers have multiple ways of utilizing technology in education. In fact, they probably have a more efficient way of using educational technology here than teachers in many of these kids home towns.It's sad in a way that for these kids to have access to technology in education they have to be put in placement. Some people would simply say why can't the government just give these school systems more money to to meet these education needs that technology has created, but it is not that simple. These schools struggle to meet students basic needs with textbooks and supplies as it is. It is important for present day and future educators to not forget the past, before technology became a staple in society, to remember that it is possible for a student to learn without the use of technology.
